Replacement specimen trees
Thanks to all who came to help plant our four replacement trees on the 17th of February and the 3rd of March. Hard work but worth it!
Councillor funding for replacement trees
Many thanks to our local Councillors James Gibson, Christine Knight and Jonathan Bentley, who have between them kindly donated £600 from...
Nest boxes
We put up 16 nest boxes in the park today - 2 bat boxes, a robin box, and 13 tit boxes. See if you can spot them in the park. Here's...
Spring is on its way
The daffs and crocuses and snowdrops are coming up. And the winter-flowering cherry is looking already cheering up the gloomy winter days!
100 of our native shrubs from the Woodland Trust have arrived. Still waiting for the remaining 100, which are allegedly in the post! ...
Wildflower meadow
The north-west part of the park, south of Queens Wood, is now being cut just once a year, in Autumn. This will encourage grasses and wild...
Blackberry time!
The blackberries are looking good this year. The brambles have increased quite a bit because of the tree felling over the last couple of...
Bluebell time
The bluebells in the copses are looking great. We planted extra native bluebells last Autumn and these have established well.